Advantages and disadvantages of living in omsk

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Advantages and disadvantages of living in omsk
Раздел:Английский язык
Размер:5.70 MB
Тип:ppt / pptx для PowerPoint/Impress
Теги:#city, #this, #life, #constant, #here, #around, #atmosphere, #capital, #have, #with

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Содержание слайда №2 (85 знаков, 17 слов)

Here is a simple "no place to turn around. “ Usually you can get around town on foot.

Содержание слайда №3 (38 знаков, 4 слова)

Everything is familiar, uninteresting.

Содержание слайда №4 (84 знака, 12 слов)

No metropolitan scope, expensive shops, various events, of money, usually no aliens.

Содержание слайда №5 (99 знаков, 17 слов)

The habits of the locals often provincial, their outlook seems limited, but a way of life – boring.

Содержание слайда №6 (42 знака, 6 слов)

Constant morning and evening traffic jams.

Содержание слайда №7 (250 знаков, 50 слов)

Dance clubs, sports clubs, cafes – all of them are worse than the capital’s. Parks of this city can’t be compared with the capital’s, as well as roads. And here comes the fashion, when it goes out of the big cities. There is a kind of secondary life.

Содержание слайда №8 (99 знаков, 18 слов)

In the big city there are more prospects, interesting people. In the village - more peace for mind.

Содержание слайда №9 (33 знака, 4 слова)

Everything located very compactly

Содержание слайда №10 (62 знака, 11 слов)

Actors still have not forgotten our city - come with concerts.

Содержание слайда №11 (111 знаков, 25 слов)

If a person does not see the magic of life in small, he will soon get tired and from the lights of the big city

Содержание слайда №12 (135 знаков, 25 слов)

You do not have to stand in traffic jams time, shoving in the subway, to be under the constant influence of ads, under constant stress/

Содержание слайда №13 (211 знаков, 40 слов)

Of course, everyone should make his own choice. Feel the atmosphere of a this town or to ignore this atmosphere. The main thing is not to be a hostage of stereotypes and try to found what is comfortable for you.